St. Joseph Chaminade Academy Guidelines
1. Parents are requested to bear in mind that the school attaches great importance to building a sound character in students. They are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by m aking their children understand that a well ordered and disciplined way of life is as important at home as in school. Parents should supervise their lessons, and take an active interest in the activities of the school.
2. a ) Parents are informed that occasional reports from teachers are made in the school diary and they are requested to sign them.
b) A fine of Rs.100 will be charged if the student loses the School Diary or Badges.
3. a) Absence from school even for a day must be noted in the “Student’s Leave Application Form” given in the School Diary. If absence lasts for more than three days the application for leave must be made to the respective coordinator accompanied by relevant certification of the same.
b) If a child has an infectious disease parents should keep the child at home till he/she recovers. A medical Certificate and Fitness Certificate must be Submitted on return
c) Students who are absent on the first and last day of any term, or who are away from school for five consecutive days without permission, may have their names removed from the register, and will be re-admitted only if there is a vacancy and on payment of the admission fee. In all cases of leave of absence, prior permission from the Principal should be obtained, except in case of unforeseen circumstances, for which an authenticated reason should be furnished by the parent or guardian, However, granting of leave is entirely up to the discretion of the Principal. If a student from class X or XII is absent, he/she has to meet the Principal/Coordinator along with his/her parents on the day of his/her return
Long leave from school for marriage, vacation, family functions , will be sanctioned only by the principal. Leave from school must not be prefixed or suffixed to school holidays.
4. Parents are requested to refrain from requesting for permission to take their wards out of school during school hours for flimsy reason. If the ward are found unwell or unusually tired they must be allowed to rest at home.
5. Change in the address or telephone number of parents or guardians must be intimated to the school in writing and without delay.
6. When communicating with the principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the Class, Section and Admission No. of their child/children.
a) Parents are welcome to visit the school and meet the teacher after school hours (2.30) with prior permission of the Principal or Coordinators. Any clarifications relating to academics, if any, may be made either to the coordinator or teachers.
b) Parents can meet teachers every month on a Saturday specified in the Academic planner of the school diary. Parents may meet teachers in their respective classrooms.
7. a) The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary action against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
b) The observation of rules of discipline of the school and good behavior is an essential condition to a student’s continuance in the school. In case a student violates the school rules or indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict action like expulsion/suspension/rustication shall be taken against the student.
c) Student are strictly forbidden to bring or burst crackers in the school and to introduce objectionable literature and other such material into the school. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student found doing so.
8. Whenever excursions and picnics are organized by the school, maximum participation by students is expected. All outing are under the supervision of school staff.
9. a) The school is not responsible for goods lost. Therefore, it is not advisable to bring expensive items like watches, fountain pens, gold or silver ornaments, friendship bands any other in the class room or changing room.
b) Students are not permitted to wear any jeweler (eg. Chains, rings, bangles, bracelets etc.) Girls may wear one pair of small earrings or studs. Religious symbols if worn should not be obvious.
10. Fine of any kind or collection or sale for any purpose whatsoever required the prior sanction of the principal.
11. Presents to members of the staff or other demonstrations in their honor also required the principal’s prior sanction
12. Mobile phones, i-Pods, MP3 Players, Pen drives etc. are strictly forbidden in the school campus. Parents must ensure that their wards do not bring mobile phones to school. If you ward is found carrying a mobile phone etc. the same will be confiscated and will not be returned. In case of emergency, a student may approach the school office to speak to his/her parent with a permission from the coordinator.
13. Any electronic device that can be used for communication /photography/Recording is strictly forbidden.
14. Celebration of birthday parties are not permitted
1. English is the medium of instruction. Hence, students are expected to speak in English at all times.
2. Punctuality and regularity in attendance, neat dress, regular completion of homework assigned and proper behaviour in and outside school are always insisted upon. Late comers won’t be allowed to enter the classroom, without their diary marked in the late comer’s record.
3. We request parents not to send their child to school if he/she is suffering from any illness.A doctor’s certificate must be produced for sick leave exceeding 3 days.
4. Every student shall greet the teachers of the school when he or she meets them in the class or the school premises.
5. No pupil is allowed to bring into the classroom any article, book or magazine not approved by the school.
6. No pupil is allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal/ Class Teacher.
7. All students are expected to take part in the assembly. Students desiring to be exempted from outdoor activities on medical grounds should produce a doctor’s certificate and get the approval from the Principal.
8. Students are not permitted to engage for any private tuition with the school teacher under any circumstances. In extreme case if required, a written permission has to be sought by the Principal.
9. No pupil shall be promoted to the next higher standard unless the pupil has attended the classes for the required number of working days.
10. In all foreseen cases, leave for absence must be attained beforehand from the Principal. Leave application for illness, must be validated by a medical practitioner.
11. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed. When passing along the corridors, students shall maintain silence.
12. Wearing of gold ornaments such as earrings, chains, rings, etc. is strictly prohibited. Only a stud for girls is allowed. Boys should not wear any jewellery. These rules are strictly enforced as a safe precaution. No nail polish, long nails, dirty nails, henna and tattoos, anklets, bangles are allowed.
13. Kindly make note of the working days and holidays mentioned in the School Diary. Any changes will be intimated through circular.
1. All fees should be paid strictly as scheduled. All cheques should be written to St. Joseph Chaminade Academy. Parents can NEFT/ RTGS the fees as well. In case of NEFT/ RTGS, parents are requested to inform about the transfer on the same day and proof of money transfer must be produced to the school office.
2. Students of classes I to IV should not be entrusted with the payment of fees.
3. A delay beyond two months in the payment of fees renders a student`s name liable to be struck off the rolls.
4. If fees are not paid within 30 days from the due date or not excused by a special arrangement students are liable to be sent home without prior notice or warning.
5. No deductions are made for vacations or broken periods.
6. Pupils will not be allowed to sit for terminal or final examinations unless the fees have been paid to date.
7. In the absence of a calendar month`s notice for withdrawal of a student, one additional instalment of fees will be payable without any consideration for any broken period.
8. Fees can be paid in three instalment (specified by the school calendar) or at one time at the beginning of the academic year.
9. There may be an annual increase of 5 – 10% in fees every year.
10. The fee schedule and other changes are intimated to the parents separately and may change as and when necessary.
11. If fees are not paid on or before the last date a fine of Rs. 50/- will be charged every succeeding week from the last due date.
12. Fees once paid will not be refunded.
1. The School Management reserves itself the right to dismiss students who continuously fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct is in a way, detrimental to the orderly life of the school.
2. Those students failing twice in the same class or failing twice in three consecutive years will not be allowed to continue in the school.
3. Use or attempt to use unfair means in exams, tests and assignments are sufficient cause for dismissal.
4. Students who indulge in political propaganda or who organize fellow students in political faction on the premises of the school, or who otherwise engage themselves in party politics are liable to be expelled from the school.
5. The wards of those parents/guardians who obstruct the smooth functioning and vitiate the academic atmosphere of the school through their acts of omissions and commissions shall be liable to be dismissed from the school.
6. Smoking, bringing and consuming alcohol or narcotic drugs, disrespect towards the staff, bad moral influence, contempt of authority and willfully damaging school property will lead to the dismissal of the students from the school.
7. A student repeating a class for two consecutive years will have to be withdrawn from the school.